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Membership in the Pommerscher Verein Central Wisconsin can be an interesting, educational, and fun experience, depending upon your areas of interest and motivation.  Membership is inexpensive and and easy to obtain.  There are regular family and single memberships as well as associate non-voting memberships.  Membership qualifies the member to a subscription of Dat Pommersche Blatt,  our quarterly newsletter which contains information about upcoming activities and events, interesting articles about Pomeranian history, genealogy,and stories contributed by our members and friends at large,  There are also 4 quarterly meetings which are typically attended by 100-plus people with a noon meal and with a featured speaker on a variety of topic, a Pomeranian Sing-a-long, and a business meeting which hears committee reports.. Once a year there is a Piknik im Busch  (Picnik in the Woods) 

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